Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Santa Claus Parade

Nov. 21, 2010

It's that time of year again in Toronto. When thousands of parents line the city streets with their kids, all so they can get a view of Santa on his first official trip out. We met Nana and Papa there, who despite my impecible directions on where to meet, which included repeated (at least 10) instructions as to what side of the street to park on, still got it wrong. You'll see why this is an issue in the pictures (hello crowds). For the record, they parked on the wrong side, and were literally 20 minutes crossing the street to meet us.

You know what else.

It was cold. Really bloody cold. Like, the last place on earth I wanted to be at that moment cold. And chucks, they aren't warm enough foot attire for such a day. Neither was my lack of mittens. Or hat. Or scarf.

Can you spot what is hilarious in this picture? Hint: it's the pigeons slowing making their way into the pet food store. OK, so that wasn't really a hit. Oh well.

Daddy and Oliver. Doesn't my screwy camera setting make it look nice and warm.

Camera's fixed, not so warm now. And look, Bo's waving to Nana and Papa. Who are across the street. On the wrong side. Sigh.

As usual, straight to Papa

And quite excited about everything that's going on.

Nana, Papa, and Oliver.

Love this.

The poor kids hat kept slipping over that right eye. At least he was warm though!

Yogi, waving at Oliver, making his life at that moment.

Oliver waving back.

Oliver and Nana, who was happy she finally got to hold him.

Hey guys, I think I see him, I do, I think I see him!


After the parade we were supposed to go to the Raptors game, but the parade ran really long, and with all the street closures, it game was over by the time we got there. We did stop for dinner on the way home though, at Kelseys.

Oliver decided to eat lemon and lime wedges. We couldn't get the camera fast enough for the first few bites.

But we got it in time for this one! Don't think that he stopped either, because he didn't. He is such a weird little boy. I love it.

Those eyes. My heart. Those eyes.

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