Thursday, July 22, 2010

A major "Oh F*ck" moment...


Nana stayed over last night to watch Oliver for 1 more day, making sure he's good and ready to go back to day care. The fever hasn't returned, so we're looking good!

I was supposed to have meetings at work today, but some drama went down earlier in the day and everyone left. Fine by me! I wasted my lunch wandering around homesense, falling in love with a big painting that I want for Oliver's room (it has all these little animals, one for each letter, and it's just so unique and cute, but totally boyish...I'm stretching here). It's $50 though...and this is one hell of a tight week month, so I'm not sure it's in the cards. They only have one of them too...I really hope it's still there in two more weeks!

I did get one fantastic call while walking around though. The builder screwed up and paved our drive-way. Woot! We had taken it out of the original offer because we were planing on doing a stamped concrete driveway, or one with big pavers. When we did this though, we forgot that bills existed, so we weren't going to be able to afford either of them...and we didn't exactly have the $700 to pay the builder either, but now it's totally their mistake and we're off the hook. So, so sweet!

Here comes the "Oh f*ck" moment...are you ready?

Nana greeted me at the door as I was walking in. I should have known that something was up. Less then 30 seconds later she let me know that it was her birthday. Oh f*ck. Now, I am horrible with dates, seriously, I can barely remember my own birthday, but still, this was SO shitty of me. I should blame Bo, he always reminds me of this stuff!

Any way, Nana wanted to order pizza for dinner or something, so that she could just relax with us before heading home. I stealthily emailed / called Bo (I probably wasn't nearly as stealthy as I thought), to see if we could take her out for dinner. We couldn't (money wise), but we did anyway.

Oliver was just starting to get hungry, and Bo was almost to newmarket, so we loaded everything up (Nana in the pick-up so she could leave to get Tiki and go home after dinner), and we headed off to Kelsey's and meet Bo there. Dinner was great, I was absolutely starving (these days with no lunch blows), and after a nice relaxing hour plus we all headed to our respective homes.

Oliver was pretty exhausted and passed out for the night shortly after we got home, which was nice because it meant that we could too. That's exactly what we did.

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